Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Slavery in our World Today.

So this week's topic  is modern slavery. Slavery as we know it in history might not be identical to the forms we see of it today, but the roots of it are there. One of the reasons is the bad economy that we have today. To work a person with minimum wage, I consider it to be slavery. Say you're working a job at McDonald's and your checks haven't come in yet and your pay is delayed two weeks. Those two weeks you are considered to be working for no pay. Which is in turn slavery. You depend upon that pay in order to pay bills, etc. But you don't get the pay and that's when things take a turn for the worse. Back before 1865, when slaves worked on plantations for no pay at all, there life was much, much worse than this. You may have your pay delayed a few weeks, but this is nothing compared to the life African Americans led, who were thought to not even be human, who worked for no pay, who lived in horrid living conditions, who suffered greatly and who were not given the standard citizen rights....So the next time your thinking: Wow, my job sucks and my pays been delayed for three months; think back to these times. You see how far we have come and it makes you think: I can live with it since at least I treated the way I should be, rather than like an animal. I may not have the best, most reliable job, but eventually I will get paid, which is more than can be said for the African American slaves of the 1800s, who suffered through their whole lives and never had a reason to keep going. Whom the white people treated horribly and saw no wrong in it. Think that: Yes, I can manage.


  1. What about other forms of slavery, like people forced into prostitution? What are your views on this kind of slavery? Do you think we've improved here?

  2. This is reaaally late. But yes, prostitution is a big thing. It's America's oldest form of employment. [I don't remember where but I heard this somewhere]
    It is a type of slaavery and it can quite possibly be a live ordie situation.
    So, I would have to say that it should end, but deep down everybody knows it will continue. And thats just sad.
