Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow

If I was a plow, which according to the title of this blog, I am, I would be amaaaazingly colorful. I would be lime green and neon purple. I would have hot pink and baby blue polka dots, and bright yellow stripes. Yes, I like colors. :) I would also be kept shiny and spotless and would have to be washed often due to having to work and often times get covered in mud... I would be a strong plow and also reliable. I wouldn't break down, or decide to not work because I was just to lazy, I would follow through with my commitment. Iwould be a plow to rely on and would always try to be the best that I can be. If you used me on a farm, I would help cultivate your crops. I would be super important for something like this. I could determine you getting the crops you need to sell, or possibly the crops that end up on your dinner table. I would sit there, and when you don't need me anymore because you stopped your farm or whatever, don't hold onto me, send me somewhere where I will be of some use. I would not enjoy spending my days rusting away in your barn with your stupid cows and pigs, and God knows what else. Send me somewhere to continue my life, to help others. To have an exciting life, to make memories. Although it may sound childish, the best part about being a plow would be being painted amaazing colors. :)

1 comment:

  1. hahaha mia u sound so bubbly in this blog :)
    its a really nice and creative way to compare it to your personality. i liked it. i don't think there's much i have to say for improvement, except maybe try not as informal? (i know, the irony :P) im not if thats really any help, but i think mr mccarthy said he wanted us to work on more formal writing.
