Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thankful for a classmate

First of all, Happy Turkey Day!
I am thankful for many things. My family, friends, house, food, and everything. Among these things are my classmates.
I am thankful for Kennedy. She helps me in this class. She helps me study and is always there to help with questions I don't get and vice versa. She's also my bus buddy :) We ride the 62H together when she's by her dad's. She doesn't live that far and also came to my graduation party. :)

I am thankful for Helen. Helen also helps me in American Lit, but also in Chemistry.
I am thankful for Jiayin.
I am thankful for Ben.
I am thankful for just about everyone in this class, but it would be pretty boring if I listed the names.
The point is, I'm glad to have you guys in my life. This is going to be a class to remember. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow

If I was a plow, which according to the title of this blog, I am, I would be amaaaazingly colorful. I would be lime green and neon purple. I would have hot pink and baby blue polka dots, and bright yellow stripes. Yes, I like colors. :) I would also be kept shiny and spotless and would have to be washed often due to having to work and often times get covered in mud... I would be a strong plow and also reliable. I wouldn't break down, or decide to not work because I was just to lazy, I would follow through with my commitment. Iwould be a plow to rely on and would always try to be the best that I can be. If you used me on a farm, I would help cultivate your crops. I would be super important for something like this. I could determine you getting the crops you need to sell, or possibly the crops that end up on your dinner table. I would sit there, and when you don't need me anymore because you stopped your farm or whatever, don't hold onto me, send me somewhere where I will be of some use. I would not enjoy spending my days rusting away in your barn with your stupid cows and pigs, and God knows what else. Send me somewhere to continue my life, to help others. To have an exciting life, to make memories. Although it may sound childish, the best part about being a plow would be being painted amaazing colors. :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Direction that the class needs.

This has got to be the one and only class that has ever asked me this. And for a question like this I would have to stop and think for awhile. I would consider how the class is moving along, how we spend our time, and think about whether or not the homework is helping us or not. We spend our time doing many things each and every day. We usually start the class with a journal, a crazy topic or line from a book that Mr. McCarthy picks and we write and expand on it, or we continue the story line. Either way, its a good way to get us to work on putting our thoughts into words and practicing our critical thinking. This is definitely a plus. So moving on to homework. Yeah. I hate it, I'm sure you do too, but we have to think, is this really neccessary? I think it depends on the homework assignment. The vocab pages from or books, DEFINITELY. I don't know about you guys but it helps me alot. Scarlet Letter reading, ehhh not so much. I'm a really slow reader so it puts me at a disadvantage but others really like it, this is just , my opinion. We are moving along at a relatively fast pace. We are on our second book of the year and we reflect a lot, we even have a flat out Philosophy class once in awhile. Do you recall: Is it possible for any one person to know everything? That was fun, and caused a big debate. But anyways, a direction the class needs is to continue working hard and doing work in class in order to reduce the homework load. Not just in this class either...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Slavery in our World Today.

So this week's topic  is modern slavery. Slavery as we know it in history might not be identical to the forms we see of it today, but the roots of it are there. One of the reasons is the bad economy that we have today. To work a person with minimum wage, I consider it to be slavery. Say you're working a job at McDonald's and your checks haven't come in yet and your pay is delayed two weeks. Those two weeks you are considered to be working for no pay. Which is in turn slavery. You depend upon that pay in order to pay bills, etc. But you don't get the pay and that's when things take a turn for the worse. Back before 1865, when slaves worked on plantations for no pay at all, there life was much, much worse than this. You may have your pay delayed a few weeks, but this is nothing compared to the life African Americans led, who were thought to not even be human, who worked for no pay, who lived in horrid living conditions, who suffered greatly and who were not given the standard citizen rights....So the next time your thinking: Wow, my job sucks and my pays been delayed for three months; think back to these times. You see how far we have come and it makes you think: I can live with it since at least I treated the way I should be, rather than like an animal. I may not have the best, most reliable job, but eventually I will get paid, which is more than can be said for the African American slaves of the 1800s, who suffered through their whole lives and never had a reason to keep going. Whom the white people treated horribly and saw no wrong in it. Think that: Yes, I can manage.