Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Taste of Summer

Sparkling in the summer sun, the ripples on the water's surface undulated, reflecting the light and giving off a glare. In an instance the surface was shattered with the bodies of children who willingly flung themselves into the awaiting water. Jumping and flailing their arms about, the neighborhood children were just taking a break from another one of their pick-up games.
"Bottom of the fourth inning; 6-4." Jack clarified.
"I don't want to play anymore." said Quinn.
"I'm hungry, let's go to Nicky's." announced Tina.
Then they set off on the three block journey toward the fast-food restaurant. They crossed streets carelessly and hardly bothered to stay on sidewalks, instead they preferred the street. These were not the most well behaved friends a girl like Lucy could have. Sure she loved them and all, but sometimes they got too crazy.

While Lucy didn't really participate in their foolish actions, part of her enjoyed the danger of it all. Here in their neighborhood, the kids called the shots.
And with them calling the shots, endless summer days were spent with one another. From riding ATVs, to going to the park, to hanging around and passing the time with baseball. The children of the streets were inseperable. That's how it was. Nobody had a curfew, and parents knew each other well.

Back to the block within ten minutes, they pondered about the endless possibilities for the afternoon.
Hopefully they don't get in too much trouble...
to be continued.


  1. Really good intro Mia! It makes the reader want more and I like your style of writing. I think you should work on charater devolpment in your story so we really get to know lucy's friends.

  2. Great intro, it makes me wonder where the story is going to next!
    The only things I would consider changing would be the way you say, "giving off a glare", and maybe take out "willingly" in "bodies of children who willingly flung themselves ".
    I look forward to what happens next :D
