Thursday, January 20, 2011

How being an immigrant shaped my life......

This was the reading I felt defined an American for who they were, not because of of where they or born or how they have adapted to the culture here. This woman carried many traditions with her throughout her life and I feel she should be considered an American.

People come to America from other countries for a better life, and that's why she came. Her family moved because of the start of World War II. So that alone should qualify her. But she goes farther, as she continues to celebrate her heritage while residing here. That's what America is. It's simply a very diverse place where many different races, ethnicties, and cultures clash together and live among one another.

She and her family are Jewish who fled Germany before things got bad for them. Being the committed people that they were, and not giving up their beliefs, they remained Jewish and proud here in America. Just because there was only a minority of Jewish people, did not persuade them to convert.

This is what being an American means. Residing in this country, while holding onto your cultural beliefs to make America a 'melting pot'.

How boring would it be if everybody was Catholic or something? No thoughts beyond that.....No 'what ifs?' as to questioning religion. Not even being totally unaffiliated with religion...

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