Friday, September 24, 2010

Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God

Wow. I would be terrified of this "God". Can we even call it a God? Nope. Sounds more like a monster to me. I mean not just physical appearance....but don't get me wrong, all those hands would be creeepy. Being told I was damned would be just about the worst thing that could happen in a community like that. When God is mad today what does he do??? Make it rain? In this communtity its far more treacherous than that. How about kill off seemingly innocent people? Now isn't that worse than a little rain? I would be the best person I could be if I believed these consequences were real. Also, to think that I was being reformed from "dead in sin" would be too much. How can a newborn baby be considered "dead in sin"? Their life has just started! I wouldn't have been educated to think differently though. I would be taught to go with it. To believe that this "God" is almighty. That he can do whatever he wants, when he wants. So watch out. I would probably learn to accept this and carry out a very religious life. A life that worshipped at his feet! Pathetic! And if I took one wrong turn, I would be dangled over the fiery pits of hell. I would believe that every day I awoke, I was not taken for his entertainment to torture me. To kill me. I would be thankful though, to be alive, which I still am today.
The end :)

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