Thursday, September 30, 2010


John Proctor. A horrible man. A good man. He's both and for different reasons. Abigail. Trouble. 17 year old Abigail is into 30 year old man. EWWW. Horrible. Just like Proctor.  He had an 'affair' with Abigail when she used to be the servant in the Proctor household. He was already married to Elizabeth Proctor and had kids. But he committed lechery. How can someone like this be considered a hero?? HE CAN'T! In my opinion, no 'hero' would do something like this. A hero does the right thing even when it takes courage. This was far from the right thing. :P

Okay, okay. Enough about the bad. He was maybe a half decent guy. I mean after all he did all he could to save his wife. He went to court with Mary Warren and pleaded the judge for a deposition. He rushed and tried to say all the right things to save her. Something a hero would never do though, is risk someone else's life for that of their loved one the way John Proctor did. He would have murdered Mary Warren in a heartbeat if it meant safety for his wife.

The last thing a hero wouldn't do, is die for something pointless. Yes, of course it would have been different if he sacrificed himself for something greater, but here, it was pure stupidity just like therest of the book. Their was no reason for him to die. Self-preservation would have been the better option here. Here, it was all stupidity and he died for nothing because this did NOT affect the rest of the Salem Witch Trials.
The End.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God

Wow. I would be terrified of this "God". Can we even call it a God? Nope. Sounds more like a monster to me. I mean not just physical appearance....but don't get me wrong, all those hands would be creeepy. Being told I was damned would be just about the worst thing that could happen in a community like that. When God is mad today what does he do??? Make it rain? In this communtity its far more treacherous than that. How about kill off seemingly innocent people? Now isn't that worse than a little rain? I would be the best person I could be if I believed these consequences were real. Also, to think that I was being reformed from "dead in sin" would be too much. How can a newborn baby be considered "dead in sin"? Their life has just started! I wouldn't have been educated to think differently though. I would be taught to go with it. To believe that this "God" is almighty. That he can do whatever he wants, when he wants. So watch out. I would probably learn to accept this and carry out a very religious life. A life that worshipped at his feet! Pathetic! And if I took one wrong turn, I would be dangled over the fiery pits of hell. I would believe that every day I awoke, I was not taken for his entertainment to torture me. To kill me. I would be thankful though, to be alive, which I still am today.
The end :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There goes the neighborhood.... day during this summer, our neighborhood suffered a really bad flood. It was somewhere around the middle of July and there was a thunderstorm. It rained for almost 12 hours straight. (from about 6pm-6am) In the morning almost all of the houses on our block had stuff on their curbs. We went into our basement and there was about two feet of water to wade through. We lost so much, just like our neighbors. We lost, photographs, clothes, games, etc. This is why I didn't have internet for 2 months! I barely got it back today! Plus our whole basement floor broke and we later found out that we don't have insurance. We are still recovering and we are getting estimates on the total damages. We learned many things from this.....Don't keep valuable stuff in a basement that's floodable. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it, because I sure didn't.
Byeeee :P

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Introduction :)

There's a lot to learn about me just like everyone else. My name is Mia and I'm 14 years old. I am a diligent reader who enjoys many books. Some of my favorites are the Twilight Saga and the Hunger Games series. I am currently reading Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, and Running in the Family by Michael Ondaatje. I have read about 30 books this summer and continue to read during the school year. But I think we can all agree its tougher because we get homework and when we are finished with that, we are just exhausted.

Before Whitney Young I came from a small public school on the southwest side near Midway Airport called Mark Twain. I came to Whitney Young and it was a big change for me. I played volleyball there and continue to play it here. We practice everyday till 5:30 when we don't have games. By the time I get home I'm to tired to do anything but I know I have to do my homework eventually .....

This past summer was awesome for me and I hope it was for all of you as well. I went to Disney World in Florida which is my 'second home' in a way. We go every year sometimes twice a year. And we always have a blast there. We go to the theme parks, water parks, shopping, and even visit family.

My family consists of six members. I have a mom, Tina, a dad, Luis, a 12 year old sister as of tomorrow, Caitlyn, a 9 year old sister, Nina, and a 3 year old brother, Max. My sisters annoy me, but that's expected, right? And I heart my brother because right now he's too young to annoy me and he doesn't cry anymore so that's good :)

My father was born and grew up in Mexico. (the name of the city escapes my mind) He grew up with five brothers and two sisters. Later, half the family moved to Chicago to search for jobs and to continue their education here. Later on the rest of the family moved up.

My mother grew up here in Chicago where she has lived her entire life. She grew up with a sister and a brother. She now works as a receptionist for a law firm downtown near a Picasso Statue.

So, this year at Whitney Young will be challenging. Trig is not my thing, neither were algebra and geometry. I heart gym and lunch. :) and I'm looking forward to American lit and Spanish.

And that's about it. I have to end here because 3rd period is about to start and I'm typing this from the library because I don't have Internet at home. Byee. :)